NEPSNet Daily Report - Mar.27
2000-03-29 00:04
For Monday, March 27, 2000, from Berkeley, California, USA
Latest Policy Forum Online:
"The What-If Question," by Bradley Martin, Asia Times, Bangkok
This week on the Nautilus homepage:
* Peter Hayes Unveils "Non-Governmental Secret Weapon" at Non-
Proliferation Conference
* ESENA Final Report Published
* Alta Vista Fifth Grade Class Braves the Bay
In today's Report:
I. United States
1. Japan-DPRK Talks
2. Italy-DPRK Relations
3. US Policy toward PRC
4. G8 Summit
II. Republic of Korea
1. Maritime Demarcation Line
2. ROK-Japan Talks
I. United States
1. Japan-DPRK Talks
NORMALISE TIES--N. KOREA," Tokyo, 3/27/00), and the Associated Press
("NORTH KOREA DEMANDS JAPAN ATONE," Tokyo, 3/27/00) reported that the
official DPRK daily Rodong Sinmun said Monday that Japan must atone for
its "grisly" colonial rule of Korea if it wants to establish diplomatic
relations with the DPRK. The paper said that success in the upcoming
diplomatic talks for both sides "depends entirely upon Japan's stand and
attitude towards the atonement for the past wrongdoings." A Rodong
Sinmun commentary carried by Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said, "the
Japanese imperialists ... inflicted immeasurable spiritual, moral, human,
material and cultural losses upon the Korean people." The report added
that the DPRK regarded Japan as a sworn enemy because it had refused to
atone for the past. It continued, "if Japan's atonement for the past
crimes is resolved, other issues will be settled smoothly. Japan should
properly understand this and begin the normalization process with atoning
for the past crimes. At the historic turn of the century Japan's
atonement for the past crimes against the Korean people brooks no further
delay. The talks are imminent, but anti-Japanese feelings of the
People's Army and people and their caution against Japan are growing
stronger than ever before because of the recent ill-boding moves in
Japan." The report also said that the DPRK was disturbed by Japan's
plans to raise the question of the DPRK's ballistic missile program and
its allegations that DPRK agents have kidnapped Japanese citizens. It
said, "this compels the DPRK to cast a doubt about Japan's attitude
toward the talks. The Korean People's Army and people are greatly angry
at the insincere stand and shameless attitude of Japan. They insist that
they feel no need to have any dealing with Japan but use other means to
force Japan to settle the crimes it has committed for one hundred years
as well as its past wrongdoings, to satisfy the grudge of the nation."
The paper concluded that Japan should avoid seeking any "concession" to
avoid its responsibility for the past.
2. Italy-DPRK Relations
NORTH KOREA," Seoul, 3/27/00) reported that Italian Foreign Minister
Lamberto Dini will make a trip to the DPRK this week. Dini will meet
DPRK Prime Minister Hong Song-nam and Foreign Minister Paek Nam-sun in
Pyongyang on March 28 and 29. Huh Moon-young of the Korea Institute for
National Unification, said, "Dini's visit is politically important as it
will test the fidelity of North Korea's efforts to improving relations
with European nations. Italy was the most aggressive European nation to
enhance ties with North Korea, which has struggled to search for new
allies since the fall of the former Soviet Union. Mainly due to the
communist influence in Italy, Pyongyang has selected the country for its
campaign to secure a diplomatic bridgehead in Europe." Before his
departure, Dini described the DPRK as "an element of instability" for
East Asia because of its suspected nuclear arms program. Dini said that
his visit would be an "important stage" in Italy's efforts "to open a
channel of dialogue with a country that is particularly distant, both
geographically and politically." He added that Italy's decision to
normalize relations with the DPRK was not in "recognition of any
democratic progress" but to encourage a dialogue between the ROK and the
DPRK. However, an anonymous ROK foreign ministry official said, "we
believe Pyongyang's diplomatic drive is largely aimed at seeking more
foreign aid to recharge its crippled economy." The official agreed,
however, that Dini's visit would serve as an opportunity for other
nations to speed up their moves to strengthen contacts with the DPRK.
3. US Policy toward PRC
The San Diego Union-Tribune (Otto Kreisher, "DEFENSE CHIEF URGES
reported that US Defense Secretary William Cohen said on March 24 that
the PRC is a "growing power" in economic and military terms but does not
have to become a threat to the US or its Asian allies. Cohen said that
the US could help shape the PRC's attitude toward the rest of the world
by continuing a policy of "constructive engagement" with diplomatic,
economic and military-to-military contacts, while retaining its strong
military presence in the Western Pacific. He also argued that the
attempts by some members of the US Congress to stop trade with the PRC in
high-tech goods was "unrealistic" because of the rapid spread of
technology. Cohen said, "we're living in a world in which we're seeing
such a rapid dissemination of technology, the notion that we can isolate
China from the rest of the world is unrealistic. Our position ought to
be that we're a superpower. We will engage China in a constructive way.
[While] there will be areas where we will disagree with them ... we have
to have a mature approach to them, neither vaulting to any kind of
euphoric state of expectations ... or simply saying they are a threat, a
real threat to peace. That's not a wise policy." During his recent
visits to Asia, Cohen said, his main role "was to urge the Chinese to
lower their rhetoric, (their) threats of military action [against Taiwan]
... to encourage both sides to back away. There are signs that those
things are happening, and the administration is making a number of
diplomatic efforts to continue to ease the tensions that rose over the
election of a new Taiwanese president whose party has urged independence.
The Chinese have made it clear they feel passionately about the issue of
reunification with Taiwan, understanding that we have taken a position
that they must do so through dialogue, not through intimidation or
assault. I don't think we can afford to dismiss it or say it's
exaggerated." Cohen said that he plans to go to the PRC in late spring
or early summer. He added that has also urged the democratic Asian
nations to work together to deal with the PRC, telling them a unified
approach can increase their influence. [Ed. note: This article was
included in the US Department of Defense's Early Bird news service for
March 27, 2000.]
4. G8 Summit
The Associated Press (Eric Talmadge, "G8 SUMMIT TO HAVE ASIAN FLAVOR,"
Nago, 3/26/00) reported that Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi said on March 26
that Asian concerns will be high on the agenda when Japan hosts this
year's Group of Eight (G8) summit. Obuchi said that issues of particular
concern to Asia include development, global financial reforms and
education. He said, "while keeping a global viewpoint, I hope the
concerns of the countries of Asia will be reflected in the summit
discussions. I want the other summit leaders to feel the significance of
hosting the meeting in Okinawa."
II. Republic of Korea
1. Maritime Demarcation Line
The Korea Herald (Kang Seok-jae, "N.K.'S NEW DEMARCATION HEIGHTENS
TENSION IN WEST SEA," Seoul, 03/27/00), Joongang Ilbo (Kim Min-seok,
SEA," Seoul, 03/24/00), Chosun Ilbo (Park Doo-sik, "PRESIDENT ORDERS
ALERT ON NK ANNOUNCEMENT," Seoul, 03/27/00) and The Korea Times ("CHO
reported that in the wake of the DPRK's confrontational move over the
disputed waters in the West Sea (Yellow Sea) on March 23, fears are being
raised that the DPRK may attempt to use force to defend its new maritime
demarcation line. Many DPRK experts, both civilian and military, have
warned that the DPRK would further escalate its war of words and launch a
series of armed provocations this year, citing as major reasons the April
13 general elections and the upcoming 50th anniversary of the outbreak of
the Korean War. Hours after the DPRK's unilateral announcement of new
navigational zones around five islands that lie north of the DPRK-
designated military demarcation line in the West Sea, the ROK Defense
Ministry issued a strong warning. An ROK ministry spokesman said, "we
will stick to the existing United Nations Command-set Northern Limit Line
(NLL) and take stern measures if Pyongyang violates it." The ROK
ministry also ordered stepped-up vigilance in the disputed area in
preparation for any provocation from the DPRK.
AS WILD CARD AGAINST SOUTH, US," Seoul, 03/24/00) reported that the
DPRK's declaration of the limited passage lanes in the West Sea on March
23 was seen as a political "tool" rather than a substantial provocation
to the ROK. The most notable point of the action was the designation of
two-2 km passage lanes to the five islands, located in the northern part
of the DPRK-designated demarcation line. The DPRK said that ROK and US
ships will be banned, along with aircraft, beyond the lanes. A military
expert said that this is a step back from the declaration the DPRK made
last year that practically admitted the jurisdiction of the US in the
waters. He said that the DPRK has probably come up with its latest move
to enhance its position in inter-Korean relations and DPRK-US talks. The
DPRK might also be seeking to trigger political debates and instability
between the ROK ruling and opposition parties during the general
elections campaign period. Experts also fear that the move will likely
stifle the reconciliation gesture made by ROK President Kim Dae-jung to
the DPRK in Berlin earlier this month.
2. ROK-Japan Talks
N.K. POLICY," Seoul, 03/27/00) and The Korea Times ("TRILATERAL NK POLICY
MEETING IN TOKYO," Seoul, 03/26/00) reported that ROK officials said on
March 26 that the ROK and Japan agreed to enhance their joint stance in
dealing with the DPRK, ahead of Japan's rapprochement talks with the DPRK
April 4-8 in Pyongyang. During foreign ministers' talks, Japanese
Foreign Minister Yohei Kono briefed his ROK counterpart, Lee Joung-binn,
about Japan's plans for the talks on establishing diplomatic relationship
with the DPRK. In return, Lee expressed the hope that Japan would
deliver the ROK's call for DPRK leaders to come to the dialogue table
with the ROK and help to wipe out their distrust of the ROK's engagement
policy toward the DPRK.
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Produced by the Nautilus Institute in partnership with:
The International Policy Studies Institute
Seoul, Republic of Korea
The Center for Global Communications, Tokyo Japan
Center for American Studies
Fudan University, Shanghai, People's Republic of China
Monash Asia Institute
Monash University, Clayton, Australia
Timothy L. Savage: napsnet@nautilus.org
Berkeley, California, United States
Gee Gee Wong: napsnet@nautilus.org
Berkeley, California, United States
Kim Hee-sun: khs688@hotmail.com
Seoul, Republic of Korea
Hiroyasu Akutsu: akutsu@glocomnet.or.jp
Tokyo, Japan
Peter Razvin: icipu@glas.apc.org
Moscow, Russian Federation
Chunsi Wu: cswu@fudan.ac.cn
Shanghai, People's Republic of China
Dingli Shen: dlshen@fudan.ac.cn
Shanghai, People's Republic of China
John McKay: John.McKay@adm.monash.edu.au
Clayton, Australia
For Monday, March 27, 2000, from Berkeley, California, USA
Latest Policy Forum Online:
"The What-If Question," by Bradley Martin, Asia Times, Bangkok
This week on the Nautilus homepage:
* Peter Hayes Unveils "Non-Governmental Secret Weapon" at Non-
Proliferation Conference
* ESENA Final Report Published
* Alta Vista Fifth Grade Class Braves the Bay
In today's Report:
I. United States
1. Japan-DPRK Talks
2. Italy-DPRK Relations
3. US Policy toward PRC
4. G8 Summit
II. Republic of Korea
1. Maritime Demarcation Line
2. ROK-Japan Talks
I. United States
1. Japan-DPRK Talks
NORMALISE TIES--N. KOREA," Tokyo, 3/27/00), and the Associated Press
("NORTH KOREA DEMANDS JAPAN ATONE," Tokyo, 3/27/00) reported that the
official DPRK daily Rodong Sinmun said Monday that Japan must atone for
its "grisly" colonial rule of Korea if it wants to establish diplomatic
relations with the DPRK. The paper said that success in the upcoming
diplomatic talks for both sides "depends entirely upon Japan's stand and
attitude towards the atonement for the past wrongdoings." A Rodong
Sinmun commentary carried by Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said, "the
Japanese imperialists ... inflicted immeasurable spiritual, moral, human,
material and cultural losses upon the Korean people." The report added
that the DPRK regarded Japan as a sworn enemy because it had refused to
atone for the past. It continued, "if Japan's atonement for the past
crimes is resolved, other issues will be settled smoothly. Japan should
properly understand this and begin the normalization process with atoning
for the past crimes. At the historic turn of the century Japan's
atonement for the past crimes against the Korean people brooks no further
delay. The talks are imminent, but anti-Japanese feelings of the
People's Army and people and their caution against Japan are growing
stronger than ever before because of the recent ill-boding moves in
Japan." The report also said that the DPRK was disturbed by Japan's
plans to raise the question of the DPRK's ballistic missile program and
its allegations that DPRK agents have kidnapped Japanese citizens. It
said, "this compels the DPRK to cast a doubt about Japan's attitude
toward the talks. The Korean People's Army and people are greatly angry
at the insincere stand and shameless attitude of Japan. They insist that
they feel no need to have any dealing with Japan but use other means to
force Japan to settle the crimes it has committed for one hundred years
as well as its past wrongdoings, to satisfy the grudge of the nation."
The paper concluded that Japan should avoid seeking any "concession" to
avoid its responsibility for the past.
2. Italy-DPRK Relations
NORTH KOREA," Seoul, 3/27/00) reported that Italian Foreign Minister
Lamberto Dini will make a trip to the DPRK this week. Dini will meet
DPRK Prime Minister Hong Song-nam and Foreign Minister Paek Nam-sun in
Pyongyang on March 28 and 29. Huh Moon-young of the Korea Institute for
National Unification, said, "Dini's visit is politically important as it
will test the fidelity of North Korea's efforts to improving relations
with European nations. Italy was the most aggressive European nation to
enhance ties with North Korea, which has struggled to search for new
allies since the fall of the former Soviet Union. Mainly due to the
communist influence in Italy, Pyongyang has selected the country for its
campaign to secure a diplomatic bridgehead in Europe." Before his
departure, Dini described the DPRK as "an element of instability" for
East Asia because of its suspected nuclear arms program. Dini said that
his visit would be an "important stage" in Italy's efforts "to open a
channel of dialogue with a country that is particularly distant, both
geographically and politically." He added that Italy's decision to
normalize relations with the DPRK was not in "recognition of any
democratic progress" but to encourage a dialogue between the ROK and the
DPRK. However, an anonymous ROK foreign ministry official said, "we
believe Pyongyang's diplomatic drive is largely aimed at seeking more
foreign aid to recharge its crippled economy." The official agreed,
however, that Dini's visit would serve as an opportunity for other
nations to speed up their moves to strengthen contacts with the DPRK.
3. US Policy toward PRC
The San Diego Union-Tribune (Otto Kreisher, "DEFENSE CHIEF URGES
reported that US Defense Secretary William Cohen said on March 24 that
the PRC is a "growing power" in economic and military terms but does not
have to become a threat to the US or its Asian allies. Cohen said that
the US could help shape the PRC's attitude toward the rest of the world
by continuing a policy of "constructive engagement" with diplomatic,
economic and military-to-military contacts, while retaining its strong
military presence in the Western Pacific. He also argued that the
attempts by some members of the US Congress to stop trade with the PRC in
high-tech goods was "unrealistic" because of the rapid spread of
technology. Cohen said, "we're living in a world in which we're seeing
such a rapid dissemination of technology, the notion that we can isolate
China from the rest of the world is unrealistic. Our position ought to
be that we're a superpower. We will engage China in a constructive way.
[While] there will be areas where we will disagree with them ... we have
to have a mature approach to them, neither vaulting to any kind of
euphoric state of expectations ... or simply saying they are a threat, a
real threat to peace. That's not a wise policy." During his recent
visits to Asia, Cohen said, his main role "was to urge the Chinese to
lower their rhetoric, (their) threats of military action [against Taiwan]
... to encourage both sides to back away. There are signs that those
things are happening, and the administration is making a number of
diplomatic efforts to continue to ease the tensions that rose over the
election of a new Taiwanese president whose party has urged independence.
The Chinese have made it clear they feel passionately about the issue of
reunification with Taiwan, understanding that we have taken a position
that they must do so through dialogue, not through intimidation or
assault. I don't think we can afford to dismiss it or say it's
exaggerated." Cohen said that he plans to go to the PRC in late spring
or early summer. He added that has also urged the democratic Asian
nations to work together to deal with the PRC, telling them a unified
approach can increase their influence. [Ed. note: This article was
included in the US Department of Defense's Early Bird news service for
March 27, 2000.]
4. G8 Summit
The Associated Press (Eric Talmadge, "G8 SUMMIT TO HAVE ASIAN FLAVOR,"
Nago, 3/26/00) reported that Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi said on March 26
that Asian concerns will be high on the agenda when Japan hosts this
year's Group of Eight (G8) summit. Obuchi said that issues of particular
concern to Asia include development, global financial reforms and
education. He said, "while keeping a global viewpoint, I hope the
concerns of the countries of Asia will be reflected in the summit
discussions. I want the other summit leaders to feel the significance of
hosting the meeting in Okinawa."
II. Republic of Korea
1. Maritime Demarcation Line
The Korea Herald (Kang Seok-jae, "N.K.'S NEW DEMARCATION HEIGHTENS
TENSION IN WEST SEA," Seoul, 03/27/00), Joongang Ilbo (Kim Min-seok,
SEA," Seoul, 03/24/00), Chosun Ilbo (Park Doo-sik, "PRESIDENT ORDERS
ALERT ON NK ANNOUNCEMENT," Seoul, 03/27/00) and The Korea Times ("CHO
reported that in the wake of the DPRK's confrontational move over the
disputed waters in the West Sea (Yellow Sea) on March 23, fears are being
raised that the DPRK may attempt to use force to defend its new maritime
demarcation line. Many DPRK experts, both civilian and military, have
warned that the DPRK would further escalate its war of words and launch a
series of armed provocations this year, citing as major reasons the April
13 general elections and the upcoming 50th anniversary of the outbreak of
the Korean War. Hours after the DPRK's unilateral announcement of new
navigational zones around five islands that lie north of the DPRK-
designated military demarcation line in the West Sea, the ROK Defense
Ministry issued a strong warning. An ROK ministry spokesman said, "we
will stick to the existing United Nations Command-set Northern Limit Line
(NLL) and take stern measures if Pyongyang violates it." The ROK
ministry also ordered stepped-up vigilance in the disputed area in
preparation for any provocation from the DPRK.
AS WILD CARD AGAINST SOUTH, US," Seoul, 03/24/00) reported that the
DPRK's declaration of the limited passage lanes in the West Sea on March
23 was seen as a political "tool" rather than a substantial provocation
to the ROK. The most notable point of the action was the designation of
two-2 km passage lanes to the five islands, located in the northern part
of the DPRK-designated demarcation line. The DPRK said that ROK and US
ships will be banned, along with aircraft, beyond the lanes. A military
expert said that this is a step back from the declaration the DPRK made
last year that practically admitted the jurisdiction of the US in the
waters. He said that the DPRK has probably come up with its latest move
to enhance its position in inter-Korean relations and DPRK-US talks. The
DPRK might also be seeking to trigger political debates and instability
between the ROK ruling and opposition parties during the general
elections campaign period. Experts also fear that the move will likely
stifle the reconciliation gesture made by ROK President Kim Dae-jung to
the DPRK in Berlin earlier this month.
2. ROK-Japan Talks
N.K. POLICY," Seoul, 03/27/00) and The Korea Times ("TRILATERAL NK POLICY
MEETING IN TOKYO," Seoul, 03/26/00) reported that ROK officials said on
March 26 that the ROK and Japan agreed to enhance their joint stance in
dealing with the DPRK, ahead of Japan's rapprochement talks with the DPRK
April 4-8 in Pyongyang. During foreign ministers' talks, Japanese
Foreign Minister Yohei Kono briefed his ROK counterpart, Lee Joung-binn,
about Japan's plans for the talks on establishing diplomatic relationship
with the DPRK. In return, Lee expressed the hope that Japan would
deliver the ROK's call for DPRK leaders to come to the dialogue table
with the ROK and help to wipe out their distrust of the ROK's engagement
policy toward the DPRK.
The NAPSNet Daily Report aims to serve as a forum for dialogue
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Produced by the Nautilus Institute in partnership with:
The International Policy Studies Institute
Seoul, Republic of Korea
The Center for Global Communications, Tokyo Japan
Center for American Studies
Fudan University, Shanghai, People's Republic of China
Monash Asia Institute
Monash University, Clayton, Australia
Timothy L. Savage: napsnet@nautilus.org
Berkeley, California, United States
Gee Gee Wong: napsnet@nautilus.org
Berkeley, California, United States
Kim Hee-sun: khs688@hotmail.com
Seoul, Republic of Korea
Hiroyasu Akutsu: akutsu@glocomnet.or.jp
Tokyo, Japan
Peter Razvin: icipu@glas.apc.org
Moscow, Russian Federation
Chunsi Wu: cswu@fudan.ac.cn
Shanghai, People's Republic of China
Dingli Shen: dlshen@fudan.ac.cn
Shanghai, People's Republic of China
John McKay: John.McKay@adm.monash.edu.au
Clayton, Australia