[DMZ 포럼] What is DMZ......? (2)
2000-02-28 22:08
2.0 The Process of Victimization by the super powers
In 1592, Toyodomi Hideyoshi, the Japanese General, who had attempted to conquer and to colonize Korea, shared his plan to divide the eight provinces into two and share them with China, then the General Weehakhoe, for their kind of concept, "peace" in the peninsula. But they failed to divided Korea into two at that time.
In 1894, when there were armed conflict between China and Japan in Korea during the time of Tonghak Peasant Revolutionary War, William B. Kimberly, then the minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Kingdom suggested the idea to divide the eight provinces of Korea, into two and to conquer them militarily by China and Japan, for their kind of the concept of 'peace of the Northeast Asia'. But the suggestion was not accepted, and Japan colonized the whole of Korean peninsula by military means. China lost the war agasint Japan in the land of Korea and retreated back to China at that time.
Peace in these context was the peace between the super powers, but it was the process of victimization, oppression, exploitations, and enslavement of the native Korean people for the colonial interests of the super powers. This concept of peace actually destroys the culture of peace and civilization, eco-peace and eco-balance, and the spirit of the people, and it destroys the family into pieces and it produces the orphans, widows, widowee. The kind of peace produces the tears and pains of the native people in the Korean peninsula. I would like to call it "super powers' peace", which is in fact 'pseudo-peace' for the people.
General MacArthur of the U.S.A declared the General Order No. 1 on the 2nd of September, 1945, which eventually divided Korean Peniinsual on the 38th parallel.
MacArthur's solution was not for the native people's interests, but for the interests of the United States' control over the area together with the USSR, for their hegemonic , and political economic dominations and exploitations.
The division was made by MacArthur, who was 1. an American 2. a military person, not civilian 3. a man, not a women, 4. a Christian 5. the white.
These factors indicates the fact that the division has been done by the patriarchal mentality, not matriarchal care for the life and death of the native people. It was the kind of undemocratic act, where none of the residents in the area had been 'democratically' consulted, or voted on the issue of division. Rational for the American troops stationed in Korea has been always to protect 'democracy and freedom' for the people. But from the starting point, the democratic principle was ignored and violated totally, and people lost the freedom to travel, freedom to meet their children, parents, husbands and wifes. People lost freedom to move around. People lost their freedom to speak and assemble and publish what they believe to be true on the basis of their conscience and beliefs.
The USSR was also partly responsible to the sufferings, pains, and inhumane things, happened in the land of Korea for the last some 50 years.
Korea should have been remained one country after the liberation from Japan in 1945, because she was one country before Japan colonized her and she is one language community, one race, and has one history, and one family.
2.2 Military Situations
Many sources indicated that there were at least some 1600 nuclear weapons of the U.S. located in South Korea until the early part of 1990s, according to the most recent release of the information in 1998 by the state department of USA. Peter Hays said that there has been some 156 nuclear weapons in Korea, and North Korean military usually said that there were at least 1200 nuclear warheads in S. Korea, but those claims found to be not quite right, when the State Department release the actual figures of 1600 nuclear weapons in 1998.{{) It was reported in most of the Daily Papers in Korea in 1998.
Now, South Korea is nuclear free 'legally', but there are large number of nuclear weapons in the nuclear submarines, airplane carriers of the American forces in the West, South and East Sea of Korea. 'Practically' speaking, therefore, Korean peninsula is not at all nuclear free of American nuclear forces. Of course, the whole area, both North and South Korea are within the range of tomahawk, and ICBM nuclear bombings and strikes.
The nuclear land mines(Demolition Munitions) had been deployed in order to enforce the military demarcation, by the U.S. forces.
It was implicated that Depleted Uranium(DU) bullets, or Uranium Bullets of 1520 has been deployed in Korea according to the state department recently, but the Combined Forces Command quickly denied the fact. Neither Conform, Nor Deny(NCND) policy seems to be not working in a perfect manner in this case.
May 17 of 1997, U.S. Forces in Korea made the official statement, that the uranium bullet, or bullets was detonated, by mistake, at the U.S. base near DMZ, Yonchon , Kyunggido, S. Korea. They thought that the bullet(s) was supposed to be destroyed, becasue it was classified as 'the wastes'. But it was not. The reports was release to the Daily Papers in Korea. Korea is not nuclear free, practically at all.
In Iraq and Kosovo, more than 300 thousands DU(depleted uranium bullets) has been used by the American Forces, it was reported in the Christian Science Monitor, in October of 1999.{{) Munwha Daily News of Octoboer 6,1999 translated it, and published it, from the Christian Science Monitor.
North Korea denies the fact that there are tunnel crossing the DMZ, in order to be used to infiltrate into the southern part of DMZ, but South Korea assumes that there are at least 20 tunnels under the DMZ. And South Korean papers report the fact that North Korea has produced and accumulated some 5,000 tonneges of bio-chemical weapons, which are known as the nuclear weapons for the poor countries. While the United States Forces have smart bombs, and tomahawk missles, it was reported that the People's Army of DPRK have more than 2 million human bombs.
2.201 June 17, 1994 D-Day for Bombing
60 minutes before the bombing of North Korea by the U.S. Forces on June 17, 1994, it was suspended by the Clinton Administration, according to the interview of William Perry, and Gallucci, because of the former president Jimmy Carter's phone call from Pyungyang, saying that Kim, Il Sung, then the President of DPR Korea agreed upon the proposals.
The initial bombing on N. Korea nuclear reactor of 5 mega watts at Youngbyun, at that time could have been the kinds of air campaign with tomahawk missiles, smart bombs and air attacks from the West Sea and land.
In this case, DMZ has no meaning for existence, to make peace with non-military solution.
It is known that the U.S. has been revising and modifying the operation 5027 up to operation 5027-99. There is a high probablity that the most advanced and new w88 nuclear weapon could have been used in the future war in Korea in the ultimate situations.
2. 21 U.S. China Confrontations in the West Sea
It was reported that Kitihawk Airplane Carrier and the nuclear submarines of the American Forces sailed up into the northern part of the West Sea, west of DPK Korea, and south of China, during the time of June 1994, the time of nuclear crisis. There were Chinese nuclear submarines in the West Sea and they retreated back into the harbour of China which took some three days. It was reported that China warned U.S. not to approach China and may use military means to defend the Chinese nuclear submarines.
China and the U.S. may use the West Sea of Korea for the military confrontations, even with nuclear weapons, and the victims would be the people and land of both Koreas.
Samuel Huntington at Harvard suggests the Clash of Civilizations between Confucian China versus the United States and Europe with secularized Christian civilizations.{{) Samuel Huntington,"Clash of Civilizations?" Foreign Affairs, Summer 1993.
}} The proxy war field could have been the Korean peninsula. The victims would be and or has been the natives in Korea.
In 1592, Toyodomi Hideyoshi, the Japanese General, who had attempted to conquer and to colonize Korea, shared his plan to divide the eight provinces into two and share them with China, then the General Weehakhoe, for their kind of concept, "peace" in the peninsula. But they failed to divided Korea into two at that time.
In 1894, when there were armed conflict between China and Japan in Korea during the time of Tonghak Peasant Revolutionary War, William B. Kimberly, then the minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Kingdom suggested the idea to divide the eight provinces of Korea, into two and to conquer them militarily by China and Japan, for their kind of the concept of 'peace of the Northeast Asia'. But the suggestion was not accepted, and Japan colonized the whole of Korean peninsula by military means. China lost the war agasint Japan in the land of Korea and retreated back to China at that time.
Peace in these context was the peace between the super powers, but it was the process of victimization, oppression, exploitations, and enslavement of the native Korean people for the colonial interests of the super powers. This concept of peace actually destroys the culture of peace and civilization, eco-peace and eco-balance, and the spirit of the people, and it destroys the family into pieces and it produces the orphans, widows, widowee. The kind of peace produces the tears and pains of the native people in the Korean peninsula. I would like to call it "super powers' peace", which is in fact 'pseudo-peace' for the people.
General MacArthur of the U.S.A declared the General Order No. 1 on the 2nd of September, 1945, which eventually divided Korean Peniinsual on the 38th parallel.
MacArthur's solution was not for the native people's interests, but for the interests of the United States' control over the area together with the USSR, for their hegemonic , and political economic dominations and exploitations.
The division was made by MacArthur, who was 1. an American 2. a military person, not civilian 3. a man, not a women, 4. a Christian 5. the white.
These factors indicates the fact that the division has been done by the patriarchal mentality, not matriarchal care for the life and death of the native people. It was the kind of undemocratic act, where none of the residents in the area had been 'democratically' consulted, or voted on the issue of division. Rational for the American troops stationed in Korea has been always to protect 'democracy and freedom' for the people. But from the starting point, the democratic principle was ignored and violated totally, and people lost the freedom to travel, freedom to meet their children, parents, husbands and wifes. People lost freedom to move around. People lost their freedom to speak and assemble and publish what they believe to be true on the basis of their conscience and beliefs.
The USSR was also partly responsible to the sufferings, pains, and inhumane things, happened in the land of Korea for the last some 50 years.
Korea should have been remained one country after the liberation from Japan in 1945, because she was one country before Japan colonized her and she is one language community, one race, and has one history, and one family.
2.2 Military Situations
Many sources indicated that there were at least some 1600 nuclear weapons of the U.S. located in South Korea until the early part of 1990s, according to the most recent release of the information in 1998 by the state department of USA. Peter Hays said that there has been some 156 nuclear weapons in Korea, and North Korean military usually said that there were at least 1200 nuclear warheads in S. Korea, but those claims found to be not quite right, when the State Department release the actual figures of 1600 nuclear weapons in 1998.{{) It was reported in most of the Daily Papers in Korea in 1998.
Now, South Korea is nuclear free 'legally', but there are large number of nuclear weapons in the nuclear submarines, airplane carriers of the American forces in the West, South and East Sea of Korea. 'Practically' speaking, therefore, Korean peninsula is not at all nuclear free of American nuclear forces. Of course, the whole area, both North and South Korea are within the range of tomahawk, and ICBM nuclear bombings and strikes.
The nuclear land mines(Demolition Munitions) had been deployed in order to enforce the military demarcation, by the U.S. forces.
It was implicated that Depleted Uranium(DU) bullets, or Uranium Bullets of 1520 has been deployed in Korea according to the state department recently, but the Combined Forces Command quickly denied the fact. Neither Conform, Nor Deny(NCND) policy seems to be not working in a perfect manner in this case.
May 17 of 1997, U.S. Forces in Korea made the official statement, that the uranium bullet, or bullets was detonated, by mistake, at the U.S. base near DMZ, Yonchon , Kyunggido, S. Korea. They thought that the bullet(s) was supposed to be destroyed, becasue it was classified as 'the wastes'. But it was not. The reports was release to the Daily Papers in Korea. Korea is not nuclear free, practically at all.
In Iraq and Kosovo, more than 300 thousands DU(depleted uranium bullets) has been used by the American Forces, it was reported in the Christian Science Monitor, in October of 1999.{{) Munwha Daily News of Octoboer 6,1999 translated it, and published it, from the Christian Science Monitor.
North Korea denies the fact that there are tunnel crossing the DMZ, in order to be used to infiltrate into the southern part of DMZ, but South Korea assumes that there are at least 20 tunnels under the DMZ. And South Korean papers report the fact that North Korea has produced and accumulated some 5,000 tonneges of bio-chemical weapons, which are known as the nuclear weapons for the poor countries. While the United States Forces have smart bombs, and tomahawk missles, it was reported that the People's Army of DPRK have more than 2 million human bombs.
2.201 June 17, 1994 D-Day for Bombing
60 minutes before the bombing of North Korea by the U.S. Forces on June 17, 1994, it was suspended by the Clinton Administration, according to the interview of William Perry, and Gallucci, because of the former president Jimmy Carter's phone call from Pyungyang, saying that Kim, Il Sung, then the President of DPR Korea agreed upon the proposals.
The initial bombing on N. Korea nuclear reactor of 5 mega watts at Youngbyun, at that time could have been the kinds of air campaign with tomahawk missiles, smart bombs and air attacks from the West Sea and land.
In this case, DMZ has no meaning for existence, to make peace with non-military solution.
It is known that the U.S. has been revising and modifying the operation 5027 up to operation 5027-99. There is a high probablity that the most advanced and new w88 nuclear weapon could have been used in the future war in Korea in the ultimate situations.
2. 21 U.S. China Confrontations in the West Sea
It was reported that Kitihawk Airplane Carrier and the nuclear submarines of the American Forces sailed up into the northern part of the West Sea, west of DPK Korea, and south of China, during the time of June 1994, the time of nuclear crisis. There were Chinese nuclear submarines in the West Sea and they retreated back into the harbour of China which took some three days. It was reported that China warned U.S. not to approach China and may use military means to defend the Chinese nuclear submarines.
China and the U.S. may use the West Sea of Korea for the military confrontations, even with nuclear weapons, and the victims would be the people and land of both Koreas.
Samuel Huntington at Harvard suggests the Clash of Civilizations between Confucian China versus the United States and Europe with secularized Christian civilizations.{{) Samuel Huntington,"Clash of Civilizations?" Foreign Affairs, Summer 1993.
}} The proxy war field could have been the Korean peninsula. The victims would be and or has been the natives in Korea.