
[DMZ 포럼] What is DMZ......? (3)

2000-02-28 22:09
3.0 Gulf-Kosovo and then Korea

There is a kind of theory that, after Gulf war, and Kosovo war, the Korean peninsula would be the next place for the war between the U.S. with the European countries of the secularized Christian civilizations against the Confucian civilizations of China and North Korea.

There are hermeneutical errors on the parts of Christian civilizations of Euro-American whites who have tens of thousands of nuclear weapons with superior advanced weapon systems, on the concept of 'peace' in the region.

The rationalization for waging the war in Korea may be on the basis of the hermeneutical errors, based on racism, sexism, imperialism and classism.

0000 Red Line and Wm Perry's Scenario

There are three possible scenarios in the William Perry's report. One is to ignore North Korea(benigect), The second one is to start bombing and occupying North Korea and the U.S. Forces control the occupied territory. Third one would be to support north Korea for their sustainable development.

There are 'Red Lines' in the William Perry's report on Korean peninsula.
But they say that Perry did not include the specific plan in the case of 'Red Line'. In the case of 'Red Line', it is assumed that the U.S. forces under the umbrella of the Combined Forces Command would start bombing and destroying the targets including human targets in North Korea, northern part of the military demarcation line.

There are rumours which tells the truth more than the official mass communications, saying that U.S. have a war senario of attacking north Korea for 60 days, and conquer the land and they expect some 300, 000 casualties in S. Korea.
The former secretary to the Department of Defence of USA, Casper Weinberger's new book, The Next War(1997), specifically tells the concrete plans of the nuclear war in Korea in the 1990s on the basis of the actual Data of the State Department, Department of Defence and CIA.

But the war could last for 60 years or even longer, and the U.S. forces may lose the war at the end, like in Vietnam in 1975. And the casualties may go up to some million people like in Indochina where some 3 million people killed in Vietnam and some 2 million people killed in Kampuchea(Cambodia) in reaction the the Vietnam operations by France and then the U.S. and other multinational forces.

The optimum solution for the DMZ is to start supporting DPR Korea for their economic sustainable development and lifting the economic sanctions, which had been imposed since 1950, by the U.S. and have peace system with peace treaty of some sort and reduction of the arms, or disarmaments, and or proper arms control in the region.

4.0 Economic Cooperation for Preventive Economy

North and South Korea should have the intensive economic cooperation with the amount of more than 30 billion dollars(US) for common peace and prosperity of the two Koreas. This would make preventive economy over against waging wars to resolve the regional conflicts.

5.0 Extra Economic Cooperations

The medical, cultural, political, diplomatic, ecological, environmental, sybernetic, biochemical, nutritional, agricultural, fishery, electrical, informational, educational and all other areas of cooperations and support should be intensely started and maintained for the peaceful resolution on the issues of DMZ, eventually in order to recover the originally unified and peaceful ecology of human beings in the peninsula, without the unjust interruptions and interventions by the super powers around the peninsula.

In order to solve the shortages of electricity of N. Korea, S. Korea should be able to send the electricity to N. Korea with, or without some compensations. South Korea has the capacity to satisfy the shortages in N. Korea.

Fishery resources should be shared with N. Korea through non-militant means and peaceful cooperations.

5.1 Normalization of U.S. Japan and DPRK

Japan should be able to pay some 10 billion dollars(US) to N. Korea as a compensation and raparations for the colonial exploitations, ,massacres, military sex slavery and other inhumane oppressions and tortures during the time of 1910 to 1945.
Japan should stop the economic pressures against N. Korea immediately.

The U. S. should stop economic sanctions against N. Korea on every aspects of the relations including economic and diplomatic relations.

5.2 Eco-Military Cooperations for the Natives

N. Korean and S. Korean military forces should begin the military cooperations together to protect the whole people in the peninsula from the invasions of the third countries with superior weapon systems including nuclear weapons.
Military cooperations and exchanges of personnels will eventually facilitate the process of peace-making and security of the peninsula from the outside forces of invasions, and neo-colonializations.

Missiles and other advanced systems like satellite launching systems could be developed and produced together with N. Korea and S, Korea for the life and security of the natives in the Third Wars between the natives vs the non-natives. This is the matter of life and death for the human ecology of the natives.

5.3 Nuclear Cooperations

Nuclear power is not the future solution of the energy at all, because of its dangers.
For the time being, denuclearization of the peninsula will come true when the United States America, China, Russia and Japan eliminates and destroys all nuclear weapon systems and nuclear capabilities. Everyone in the world knows the fact that these countries would never eliminate and destroy their nuclear weapons and nuclear weapon capabilities until these countries die away from the planet earth.
Japan has some 30 tons of plutonium(Pu239, and Pu240), which could be turned into some 4000 nuclear bombs of classical Pu 7 Kg bomb, and the amount of the Plutonium has been release by many of the resources. Some sources say that Japan has some 10 tonneges of Plutonium, which could be turned into some 1400 nuclear bombs of 7 Kg type. Some say that Japan has some 16 tonneges of Plutonium. The former Prime minister Hata of Japan said that Japan had the capabilites of producing nuclear bombs with enough amount of plutoniums already accumulated. IAEA( or International Atomic Energy Agency) always said that Japan had been transparent and honest about peaceful use of the Nuclear energies. But IAEA has been wrong and prejudiced until today. Japan is in deep trouble now because the company producing uranium fuels for the last four years had been cheating the process to the government, and many of the people were exposed to the radiation. Japan is not transparent on nuclear capabilites and on nuclear weapon capabilites.
The Clinton administration did not sign up on CTBT(Comprehensive Test Ban Teaty), because the United States would like to keep on testing nuclear weapons in the future, like the new nuclear weapon system such as w88, w89, and w90 series in the cybernetic space in the Los Alamos National Nuclear Laboratory in New Mexico, with their own kinds of rationalization for the white American kinds of new nuclear weapon hegemony in the process of new world ordering.

Is there any solution for denuclearization of the demilitarized zone? Probably no easy solution.
Then how can one make peace in the region?

6.0 Spiritual Cooperations (意氣投合)) for the Naitves' Peace and Security

Ultimately N. and S. Korea should be able to share the spiritual solidarity( + ) in diversity for the future of the native people in the land of Korea, through self-reliant, independent, peaceful and great unity and solidarity of the people, transcending the ideas, ideologies, thoughts, and different systems, on the basis of the July 4th Statement in 1972, and the basic agreement of 1992.

Scapegoating process should be stopped immediately by the power of the natives for their spiritual solidarity. DMZ should be open to the natives for their own free travelling, housing, and other human ecological uses.